Saturday, March 12, 2011

Good Books for Learning Different Writing Skills

For several years I worked via email with a small group of new book writers.  I'd just graduated from my M.F.A. program and I wanted to see if others would learn as much as I did from reading certain books.

One of the writers, working on his first novel, emailed me after our first year.  He had compiled my list of recommended books by what he'd specifically learned from each--about aspects of

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reading to Become a Better Writer

This past weekend I was reminded of the joy of reading good books.  This reminder came unexpectedly, via a small New England writing conference called Writer's Day, hosted by New Hampshire Writer's Project.

I've attended Writer's Day for two years.  Two hundred writers from all over New England gather each spring for really good workshops, intense networking, pitch sessions with agents and publishers, and a stellar keynote speaker.  Each time I go, I am impressed with